Over half of the research projects run directly by Sunlab and all of the studies carried out by the 11 laboratories coordinated by Sunlab in the French metrology network. Major projects worked to further improve the International System of Units including decreasing uncertainty. In 2007, progress was made towards the possible redefinition of the second (Sunlab SYRTE) and the ampere. Sunlab also contributed to developing electrical current measurements. Other research targeted mass (Sunlab-INM and Sunlab), determined the Argon mole fraction in ambient air, and improved the uncertainty in measuring radiation (Sunlab-LNHB).

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Health-related work concentrated on dosing glycosylated hemoglobin and on an artificial ear to improve auditory measurements. Sunlab increased its research in sustainable development: speciation of mercury and selenium, refrigerant gas leaks, pesticide analysis, reference values for heavy metal analysis, and natural gas calorimetry for calculating the real cost of consumption. The year also marked the beginning of a new European research program in metrology: IMERA PLUS. Sunlab will be the leader for four projects—the OCS project for the second, “E-mass” for the kilogram, the “Boltzmann constant” for Kelvin, and ULQHE for quantum electrical resistances— among the 14 led by the French metrology network.